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Myst V: End Of Ages Crack

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  1. Myst V: End Of Ages Cracking
  2. Myst Online Ages

All images in this walkthrough are property of Ubi SoftEntertainment™

Walkthrough by Bert Jamin

Myst V: End of Ages is a 2005 adventure video game, the fifth installment in the Myst series. The game was developed by Cyan Worlds, published by Ubisoft, and released for Macintosh and Windows PC platforms in September 2005.As in previous games in the series, End of Ages ' s gameplay consists of navigating worlds known as 'Ages' via the use of special books and items which act as portals. Myst is a franchise centered on a series of adventure video games.The first game in the series, Myst, was released in 1993 by brothers Rand and Robyn Miller and their video game company Cyan, Inc. Riven, the sequel to Myst, was released in 1997, and was followed by three more direct sequels: Myst III: Exile in 2001, Myst IV: Revelation in 2004, and Myst V: End of Ages in 2005. Myst V: End of Ages - game update retail WMC patch - Download. Game update (patch) to Myst V: End of Ages, a(n) adventure game, retail WMC patch, added on Tuesday, October 3, 2006. File type Game update. File size 361.3 MB. Last update Tuesday, October 3, 2006. Downloads (7 days) 6. This error occurs when you try to start Myst V: End of Ages on Windows Vista/7/8/10 (retail, Steam and GOG versions). Apply the patch contained in, available here. Copy the folder in the zip file (Myst V End of Ages) to C: Users AppData Local (The AppData folder is hidden by default, you must show the hidden files and folders in Windows).

© September 2005 Bert Jamin (
This walkthrough may not be sold and may not be used for any commercialpurposes. Neither is it permitted to publish this walkthrough in any way withoutthe written permission of the author Bert Jamin ( and his E-mail address ( are mentioned unchanged. For the most up to date walkthroughs always visit you have any suggestionsto improve this walkthrough, let me know by sending me an email:

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Cross the first wooden bridge on theright and also cross the next wooden bridge on the right. Enter the linking bubblethat has the icy landscapeprojected on the inner side. Take the stone tablet from the pedestal, called theSlate. Notice that the upper corner of the Slate appears at the bottom ofyour screen while you are carrying it.

About the Slate: sometimes it happensthat a Bahro doesn't recognize a drawing you made although it looks perfect. Inthat case a Bahro picks up the Slate, looks at it and nothing happens. In thatcase just pick up the Slate and give it another try. If you want to change adrawing you made or if you want to delete a drawing on the Slate, click on theupper left sign on the Slate with the two strokes. By clicking on that sign adrawing on the Slate will be erased.

Press the blue-lit sign at the left sideof the pedestal to get linked to Taghira. Turn around to see Esher waiting foryou. Exit the bubble to hear what he has to tell you. Remember Esher tells youthat you can use the Slate to interact with the inhabitants of the ages, calledBahro.

Go forward one step. Notice the drawingon the ground. Go forward two times and notice that some ice blocks your path. Turnaround and go one step forward. Turn to the right and go one step forward.Listen to how the ice is now cracking beneath your feet. Drop the Slate at that spot.Notice that a crack appears in the ground. When a Bahro picks up the Slate thecrack grows even bigger. Turn around and enter the linking bubble.Take the Slate from the pedestal that the Bahro has returned.

Head back to the crack in the ground.Turn to the left and go forward one step. Because of the weight of yourself and the Slate theground will collapse. Turn to the right and exit the cave. Go forward and try toclimb up the ladder. The Slate is far too heavy to climb up the ladder. So..simply drop the Slate on the ground. Climb up the ladder.

Go forward and a Bahro will take the Slateback to the linking bubble once more. Return to the ladder. Turn to theleft to see twoimportant things. Notice the blue-lit symbol on the icy wall. Make a drawing ofthis symbol because you are going to need it later. It is the Bahro symbol forheat. Also notice the stone pedestal. Go forward and turn to the left to studythe pedestal.

Notice the image on top of the pedestal.It looks a little like an anchor. Remember this sign!. Beneath it there is somekind of triangle sign. Press this triangle shaped sign to return to the linkingbubble. Take the Slate and walk back to the ladder. Before dropping the Slate onthe ground use it to draw the sign of the anchor on it. Than drop the Slate on theground.

The anchor sign

Climb up the ladder and go one stepforward. Turn around and see how a Bahro places the Slate on the appropriatepedestal. Walk to the pedestal. Take the Slate from the pedestal. Now cross the icy bridge. Keep ongoing straight forward until you reach the brown stairs leading up to some sortof hut. Notice the stone pedestal at the right side of the stone stairs.

Place the Slate on the pedestal. Climb upthe stairs to have another meeting with Esher. Enter the hut and find a diagram on the wall. Later on you'll find out that this is a schedule aboutsteaming pipes. Exit the hut. Go down the stairs two steps. Turn to the left andsee a valve. Move it to the right position. Turn around. Go down the stairs andlook around to notice that six buildings that are tower shaped surround the hut.Each and every tower has the same valve. Go and move the valve of each and everytower to the right position. Near one of the buildings you'll have anothermeeting with Esher.

Return to the hut. Take the Slate from the pedestal. Turn to the rightonce and walk straight forward. Keep going until you reach the frozen lake with tubes init just like you saw on thediagram back in the hut. Make sure to stand in the middle in front of the frozenlake. Use the Slate to make a drawing of the heat symbol.

The correct place in front of the frozen lake

The heat symbol

Drop the Slate on the ground. Turn aroundand go two steps forward. A Bahro will pick up the Slate and will heat the placebut only for a while. So be quick now! Turn around and go forward two steps.Turn to the left and hurry to the base of the huge heating pipe. You'll seethree levers with blue dots. Move the left lever to the right, the center leverto the left and the right lever to the left.

Note: be aware that itcan be a little bit difficult to move the levers. The best way is moving yourcursor to the round base of the levers and than move them to the correctdirection.

Turn around and hurry to the base of thepipe at the opposite site. Notice the same kind of levers with orange dots. Movethe left lever to the left, the center lever to the right and the right lever tothe left. You must accomplish this before the heating time is over!!!Return to the frozen lake and wait until heating time is finished.

Return to the pedestal in front of thehut. Remember the sign on top of the pedestal. Press the triangle shaped symbolon the pedestal to return to the linking bubble. Take the Slate from the pedestal. Press thesign next to the anchor sign, the one that corresponds with the sign you just sawon top of the pedestal in front of the hut. Turn to the right and walk straightforward to the frozen lake.


Use the Slate and click on the image ofheat at the left side on the Slate. Drop the Slate on the ground once more. Turnaround and go two steps forwards. Use the path on the frozen lake to walk tothe opposite side. Go forward to have another meeting with Esher. Walk to thelinking bubble called The Keep. When you approach it, it will back off as Eshertold you. Make a note of the symbol on the pedestal inside The Keep. Turn around and walk to the pedestal atyour right side. Press the triangle shaped sign to return to the linking bubblewhere you started. Use the Slate to draw the Keep's symbol.

The Keep's symbol on the Slate Gta vice city pc highly compressed.

Drop it on the ground. Exit the bubble and go forward. Turn around to see a Bahro picking up theSlate. Enter the bubble and press theKeep's symbol on the right side of the pedestal.

The Keep's symbol at the right side on the pedestal

You'll have another meeting with Esher.Enter The Keep and press the blue-lit Slate to release one of the arms that is holdingthe Tablet. Press the triangle shaped sign to return to Taghira. Press thesymbol on the center part of the pedestal to return to Direbo.

Myst V: End Of Ages Crack

Use the Slate and click on the image ofheat at the left side on the Slate. Drop the Slate on the ground once more. Turnaround and go two steps forwards. Use the path on the frozen lake to walk tothe opposite side. Go forward to have another meeting with Esher. Walk to thelinking bubble called The Keep. When you approach it, it will back off as Eshertold you. Make a note of the symbol on the pedestal inside The Keep. Turn around and walk to the pedestal atyour right side. Press the triangle shaped sign to return to the linking bubblewhere you started. Use the Slate to draw the Keep's symbol.

The Keep's symbol on the Slate Gta vice city pc highly compressed.

Drop it on the ground. Exit the bubble and go forward. Turn around to see a Bahro picking up theSlate. Enter the bubble and press theKeep's symbol on the right side of the pedestal.

The Keep's symbol at the right side on the pedestal

You'll have another meeting with Esher.Enter The Keep and press the blue-lit Slate to release one of the arms that is holdingthe Tablet. Press the triangle shaped sign to return to Taghira. Press thesymbol on the center part of the pedestal to return to Direbo.


  • Ader Jamat - Written by Veovis, from Myst: Book of Ti'Ana.
  • Age 233 - Written by Gehn, from Riven and Myst: Book of Atrus.
  • Age 37 - Written by Gehn, from Myst: Book of Atrus.
  • Ahnonay - Written by Kadish, from Uru: Path of the Shell.
  • Ahnonay Cathedral - Written by Kadish, from Uru: Path of the Shell.
  • Amateria - Written by Atrus, from Myst III: Exile.
  • Ancam - Written by Atrus, from Journal Entry.
  • Aridanu - Writer unknown, from Myst: Book of D'ni.
  • Arimarl - Written by Atrus, from Journal Entry.
  • Aspermere - Written by Atrus, from Myst (Mechanical Age Journal).
  • Aurack - Writer unknown, from Myst: Book of D'ni.
  • Averone - Written by Atrus, from Myst: Book of D'ni.
  • Bilaris - Writer unknown, from Myst: Book of D'ni.
  • Birenni - Writer unknown, from Uru.
  • Channelwood - Written by Atrus, from Myst and realMyst.
  • Chroma'Agana - Written by Atrus, from Myst: Book of D'ni.
  • Dahtamnay - Writer unknown, from DRC Website.
  • Dereno (Pod Age) - Writer unknown, from DRC Website.
  • Devokan - Writer unknown, from Myst: Book of D'ni.
  • Direbo - Writer unknown, from Myst V: End of Ages.
  • Edanna - Written by Atrus, from Exile.
  • Eder Delin - Writer unknown, from Uru.
  • Eder Gira - Writer unknown, from Uru.
  • Eder Kemo - Writer unknown, from Uru.
  • Eder Tsogal - Writer unknown, from Uru.
  • Ederat - Written by Veovis, from Myst: Book of Ti'Ana.
  • Er'cana - Writer unknown, from Uru: Path of the Shell.
  • Er'Duna - Writer unknown, from Myst: Book of Ti'Ana.
  • Er'Jerah - Writer unknown, from Myst: Book of Ti'Ana.
  • Everdunes - Writer unknown, from Myst.
  • Gadar - Writer unknown, from Myst: Book of Ti'Ana.
  • Gahreesen - Writer unknown, from Uru.
  • Garternay - Writer unknown, from Myst: Book of D'ni and DRC Website.
  • Gemedet - Written by Aitrus and Ti'ana, from Myst: Book of Ti'Ana and Myst: Book of D'ni.
  • Gravitation - Written by Atrus, from Journal Entry.
  • Haven - Written by Atrus, from Myst and Myst IV: Revelation.
  • Hereas - Writer unknown, from Uru (DRC research).
  • Herelding - Written by Atrus, from Journal Entry.
  • Inception - Written by Atrus, from Myst: Book of Atrus.
  • J'nanin - Written by Atrus, from Myst III: Exile.
  • Jalak Dador - Writer unknown, from Uru.
  • Kadish Tolesa - Written by Kadish, from Uru.
  • Kahlo - Writer unknown, from DRC Website.
  • Kalamee - Writer unknown, from DRC Website.
  • Ko'ah - Writer unknown, from Myst: Book of Ti'Ana and Myst: Book of D'ni.
  • Laki'ahn - Writer unknown, from DRC Website and Myst: End of Ages.
  • Meanas - Writer unknown, from Uru.
  • Mechanical - Written by Atrus, from Myst and realMyst.
  • Mechnical - Writer unknown, from Journal Entry.
  • Minkata - Writer unknown, from Uru.
  • Myst - Written by Ti'ana and Catherine, from Myst, realMyst, Myst: Book of Atrus, Myst: Book of D'ni (mentioned), Myst III: Exile (mentioned), Uru: Path of the Shell, and Myst V: End of Ages.
  • Narayan - Written by Atrus, from Myst III: Exile.
  • Negilahn (Pod Age) - Writer unknown, from Uru.
  • Nexus - Writer unknown, from Uru.
  • Nidur Gemat - Writer unknown, from Myst: Book of Ti'Ana.
  • Noloben - Writer unknown, from DRC Website and Myst V: End of Ages.
  • Oasis - Written by Atrus, from Journal Entry.
  • Osmoian - Written by Atrus, from Myst (Channelwood Age Journal).
  • P'aarli - Writer unknown, from Myst: Book of D'ni.
  • Payiferen (Pod Age) - Writer unknown, from Uru.
  • Pento - Writer unknown, from Uru (mentioned).
  • Pirahnay - Writer unknown, from DRC Website.
  • Rahtevnee - Writer unknown, from DRC Website.
  • Rebek - Writer unknown, from Uru (mentioned).
  • Releeshahn - Written by Atrus, from Myst: Book of D'ni (unnamed), Myst III: Exile (mentioned) and Myst V: End of Ages.
  • Relto - Written by Yeesha, from Uru.
  • Relto, Phil Henderson's - Written by Yeesha, from Uru: To D'ni.
  • Rime - Written by Atrus, from realMyst.
  • Riven - Written by Gehn, from Myst: Book of Atrus and Riven.
  • Sedona - Writer unknown, from Myst: Book of D'ni.
  • Selenitic - Written by Atrus, from Myst, realMyst, and Myst III: Exile (mentioned).
  • Serenia - Written by Catherine, from Myst IV: Revelation.
  • Serenol - Written by Atrus, from Journal Entry.
  • Shimar - Written by Atrus, from Journal Entry.
  • Shimas - Writer unknown, from Uru (DRC research).
  • Spire - Written by Atrus, from Myst and Myst IV: Revelation.
  • Stoneship - Written by Atrus, from Myst and realMyst.
  • Taghira - Writer unknown, from Myst V: End of Ages.
  • Tay - Written by Gehn, rewritten by Catherine, from Riven.
  • Teledahn - Writer unknown, from Uru.
  • Terahnee (renamed Devokan) - Writer unknown, from Myst: Book of D'ni.
  • Terrel - Writer unknown, from Myst Soundtrack (booklet journal entry).
  • Tetsonot (Pod Age) - Writer unknown, from Uru.
  • Te'Negamiris - Writer unknown, from Myst: Book of Ti'Ana.
  • Tide - Written by Atrus, from Myst (Mechanical Age Journal).
  • Todelmer - Writer unknown, from DRC Website and Myst: End of Ages.
  • Torus - Written by Catherine, from Myst: Book of Atrus.
  • Trases - Writer unknown, from Uru (mentioned).
  • Venalem - Writer unknown, from DRC Website.
  • Veovis's Sanctuary (unnamed) - Writer unknown, from Myst: The Book of Ti'ana.
  • Vika - Writer unknown, from Uru.
  • Voltaic - Written by Atrus, from Myst III: Exile.
  • Whiterock - Written by Atrus, from Journal Entry.
  • Windring - Writer unknown, from Uru (mentioned).
  • Yakul - Written by Ar'tenen, from Myst: Book of Ti'Ana.
  • Yasefe - Writer unknown, from Uru (mentioned).
  • Yimas - Writer unknown, from Uru (mentioned).

According to the D'ni cosmology, the Creator Yahvo created the Terokh Jeruth, the Great Tree of Possibilities which has infinite leaves, and each leaf is one Age. In this conception every Universe therefore is just one Leaf, belonging to its own Branch, which in turn belongs to another and another, ultimately all belonging to the Great Tree. The theory can be described as a multiverse. Some Ages might resemble others but are actually different.

The forefathers of the D'ni, the Ronay of Garternay, developed what they called the Art (Gestoy). The Art allowed them to write Linking Books, that could create a Link between Ages, allowing people to travel to the Ages described in the Books.

There are some limitations, however. Several basic rules must be obeyed, or else the book will be linked to an unstable or near-death world. One may not link from one location in an Age to another location inside the same Age. This rule is not limited only to places or planets, but refers to the entire universe. For example, a Linking Book on Earth can not 'link' to Mars. This will not work because both Earth and Mars exist in the same Age. The Linking Book will Link to a planet similar to our Mars, even belonging to a system similar to ours in another reality, but not actually the same planet.

Instead of referring to any given time period, the D'ni word 'Age' might refer to the infinite expanse of Time of a Universe, from uttermost past to ultimate future, defining and encompassing therefore all of its existence.

Throughout the games it will be seen that most Ages are developed as or with focal points. These focal points vary from the watery Stoneship Age to the garden Edanna, to even Riven (where its flawed nature creates a power source used throughout the game).

These focal points (with the exeption of Riven) are said by Atrus to give the age balance, Though in creating Releeshan he writes that it was his intention to create a balance of all plausible focal points in order for the civilization to grow.

Myst V: End Of Ages Cracking

Initially, many believed that the Ages visited in the Myst game were different time stages of Myst Island, but later knowledge revealed this was a mistaken view.


Myst Online Ages

  • Edited from
  • Edited from Wikipedia - Ages of Myst

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